Update July 26 - Issue affecting display of Enrolment Numbers on Workday Reports

Update July 26 - Issue affecting display of Enrolment Numbers on Workday Reports

July 08, 2024

July 26 – Columns have now been added to impacted Workday reports to replace the ‘Enrolment Count’ field.

What is the Issue?

The 'Enrollment Count' field in Workday reports includes both registered roster number when using expiry-managed students and those with a course opening notification. This combined count causes numerical misalignment with the course waitlists. 

Who is Impacted?

Staff using the following Workday reports: 

  • Course and Section Details – Central 
  • Course Section Search – Central 
  • Course Sections Available Seats – Central 
  • Reserve Capacities by Course Section - Central 
  • Sauder Class List – Distributed 

What is the impact?

Displaying both registered students and those with course opening notifications in the ‘Enrollment Count’ can cause confusion for staff, as the numbers won’t align with the course roster when using expiry- managed waitlists. 

What is the status?

July 26 Update – Fix has been implemented to Workday reports to include three columns to replace the ‘Enrolment Count’ field: 

  • Registered Students 
  • Active Course Opening Notifications 
  • Registered Students + Course Opening Notifications