Student Record Data Quality Issues

Student Record Data Quality Issues

May 21, 2024

IRP Student has identified 5 major categories of known data quality issues which are noted to impact student records, and resolutions are actively underway: 

  1. Student record not in Workday   
  2. Academic records with inaccurate program of study    
  3. Missing course registrations   
  4. Grade is missing or the letter grade is inaccurate   
  5. Missing Transfer Credit details  

What is the Issue?

Issue 1 - Students will be unable to log into Workday 

Issues 2-5 - Students will see discrepancies with their student records in Workday. 

Who is Impacted? 

A subset of students are impacted and will be informed on May 21st onwards as applicable.   

What is the impact?

Student record is not in Workday​ - Student is unable to login to Workday because their student record has not been transferred to Workday​ due to unresolved duplicate record issues. 

Academic Records with inaccurate Program of Study​ - Students who have moved campus, returned as grad, or some professional programs have issues with the accuracy of the program on their academic record. 

Missing course registrations​ - Student is unable to register in specific courses in the upcoming Winter session because the prerequisite course registration is missing​ or class standing is inaccurate. 

Student's grade is missing, or their Grade letter is inaccurate​ - Missing or Inaccurate grade for a student impacting their class standing or cumulative average for registration appointment and, in turn, their ability to register​, or a pre-requisite requirement is unmet due to missing grade. 

Transfer Credits (External Transcripts/Transfer Articulation) - Due to absence of transfer credit / articulations student is unable to register in required upcoming courses. 

What is the status?

We are actively working to resolve these identified data quality issues, prioritizing in alignment with students' registration requirements.  

Additional Details

To manage students’ expectations and to minimize potential queries on these known data quality issues, targeted communications will be sent as part of the May 21 Workday Student access communication to students’ whose records have been impacted. 

In addition, a list of impacted student records is available to student advising and support staff.  See the Support Toolkit for details.   

Refer to the Support Toolkit for updates.