Issues affecting Profile Pictures in Workday

Issues affecting Profile Pictures in Workday

June 14, 2024

Workday profile pictures appear distorted or cropped for active students and student employees in select views within Workday.

What is the Issue?

The UBC Card system populates Workday profile photos for students. The photos from the UBC Card system are rectangular while Workday is better able to accommodate square images. As a result, select views of student photos in Workday, e.g. searches or the account icon in the top right, distort or crop the image off-centre. The photos are not distorted on student profiles.

Who is Impacted?

Students, including students who are also employees, will see their photo off-centre or distorted in select search views and on their account icon.

What is the impact?

Individuals will see a distorted or cropped profile picture in the top right corner in Workday. 

Staff and faculty will see a cropped picture of students when using the Workday ‘Search’ functionality. 

This issue will not impact photos in instructors class roster for registered students.  

The distorted or cropped image will remain in Workday until a resolution is implemented. 

What is the status?

Teams are investigating resolution options; updates will be provided here as available.

Additional Details

The UBC student card photo serves as official identification for a student at UBC and forms a part of a student’s record. Workday is populated with the UBC student card photo, which applies distinct photo specifications, ensuring accuracy and integrity of a student’s identity. It is important to note that once a UBC card is produced with a student’s photo, it’s photo cannot be replaced until the card expires and the student qualifies for a renewal. It is also important to note that uploading a renewed photo will not fix the issue.